An asteroid bigger than tallest buildings will pass by Earth

An asteroid greater than tallest buildings will flyby Earth Today

According to the reports of NASA, an asteroid will zip by Earth today, the size of the asteroid is greater than a few of the largest buildings of the Earth. It is an estimation that asteroid 2000 QW7 is between 951 & 2132 feet or between 290 and 650 meters in diameter – NASA. The largest building of the world is the Burj Khalifa situated in Dubai, which is about 2727 feet tall. Whereas the world’s 2nd tallest building is the Shanghai Tower of China and its height is about 2073 feet.

When will Asteroid flyby Earth?

When the asteroid passes by Earth at 07:54 p.m. ET, its speed will be 14,361 miles per hour within 3312944 miles of Earth. Astronomers don’t feel any type of danger from the asteroid; however, NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies is chasing it. Astronomers disclosed in June that telescopes could give an adequate amount of warning to let people move away from the strike of an asteroid on Earth.

The University of Huawei’s astronomers used Pan-STARRS and ATLAS to spot a small asteroid before it entered the atmosphere of the Earth of June 22nd morning. They named the asteroid as 2019 MO, and it was thirteen feet in diameter and 310685 miles from the surface of Earth. The ATLAS facility detected it four times for thirty minutes around midnight in Hawaii.

An asteroid bigger than tallest buildings will pass by Earth

In the beginning, the software of Scout impact analysis at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory considered the potential influence as a two. For reference, 0 is not likely, and four is likely. JPL navigation engineer, Davide Farnocchia requested further observations because he observed a detection nearby Puerto Rico twelve hours later. The Pan-STARRS telescope also captures additional images that helped the researchers to determine the asteroid entry path in a better way, which jerked the Scout rating to 4.

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The calculation of the researchers matched up, and radar of weather in San Juan spotted the asteroid as it burned up in the atmosphere of Earth. It passes into our atmosphere over the ocean about 236 miles south of the city.


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