Deadlock Occurs between two main Israel Political Parties – Elections

Deadlock created between two main Political Parties – Israel Elections

A deadlock occurred between the two main political parties of Israel on Wednesday after a unique repeated election in a single year. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister, is facing an uphill fight to hold his seat and designation. Avigdor Lieberman said that the elections are seeming the Israel kingmaker and he will insist upon a secular mutual government between parties Likud of Netanyahu and Blue and White of Benny Gantz. After partial results both parties tied at 32 seats each out of overall 120 seats in parliament.

Without the endorsement of Lieberman, both political parties seem to have fallen well short of making a parliamentary majority with their ideological allies. Lieberman insisted the whole picture not likely to change with results still pouring in. Also, he demanded a secular liberal government cut off the ultra-Orthodox and religious allies the PM long relied upon. He said, the conclusion is very apparent; all the things they said during their whole campaign is coming true. Now, only a single option left, and that is to form a national unity government that is liberal and broad, and they will not come towards any other choice.

That will definitely create severe problems for the extension of prolonging-rule of Netanyahu. A former military chief, Gantz ruled out deskbound with a Netanyahu-led Likud at that time when the long ruled prime minister expected to face corruption charges in the coming few weeks. It raised the threat of an alternative Likud candidate growing to challenge Netanyahu, whereas several of its senior officials thus far vowed to stand stably behind their leader.

Deadlock Occurs between two main Israel Political Parties – Elections

Benjamin Netanyahu to face bribery charges

Netanyahu is the longest-serving PM in the history of Israel, had badly sought an absolute majority with his ultra-Orthodox and hardline allies in expectations of passing a law to give him legal immunity from his predictable indictment. Attorney general of Israel recommended charging Netanyahu with charges of bribery, three scandals of breach of trust and fraud. A long-awaited hearing still pending and expected to schedule in coming few weeks.

A previous indictment would surge the pressure on Netanyahu to step apart if he does not have immunity. Central Election Commission of Israel released the partial results on Wednesday, based on a total of fifty-six percent of the potential electorate. However, the overall turnout of the elections was 69.4%. According to those partial released results, Likud with its allies of ultra-nationalist and religious parties assembled only fifty-six seats, in other words, they short of five to the required majority.

Read Also: Benjamin Netanyahu to Struggle for his Seat in General Elections


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