Cyber Security company researchers said that Hackers moved into the systems of over ten telecommunications of the world and stole a large amount of corporate and personal data. U.S.-Israeli cybersecurity organization, Cybereason’s investigators, said that the hackers compromised firms in over thirty different countries and intended to collect information on individuals in politics, government, and law enforcement.
Moreover, Chief executive of Cybereason, Lior Div, said that the hackers used tools that connected with other attacks attributed to Beijing by the U.S and its Western allies. He told the Reuters, for this state of sophistication it is not a criminal group. It is the government that has abilities that can do this type of attack.
On the other hand, China repeatedly denied any connection with any hacking activity. Moreover, Cybereason refused to mention the company names affected or the states they operate in, whereas people aware of the hacking operations of China.