Legally Banned to Cover Face in Sri Lanka – Easter Blasts

Legally Banned to use Face Veils in Sri Lanka – Easter Blasts

The Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena stated that due to the current security situation in the overall country, he used the emergency law to impose the restriction. And according to this restriction and to ensure the security, it legally banned to use any face garment that hinders the identification. However, the Muslim leaders criticized the decision of the Sri Lankan President. On the other hand, burka and niqab which Muslim women used to worn not specified in the order while it perceived that targeting those garments. The overall state remains on high alert for consecutive eight days after the deadly attacks targeting churches and hotels. The Sri Lankan security forces arrested several suspects whereas, the countries’ officials warned that there should be a large number of militants planning more terrorist activities.

Total number of People affected by the Latest Decision Regarding Covering Face

There is a centuries-old Muslim population living in Sri Lanka and among the countries overall population of 21-million, Muslims are just 10%. Among those Muslims, a small number of women use to wear the niqab (face-covering) or burka (a piece of garment for covering face and body). A few days back, MP of the republic proposed a ban on women to wear the burka and justified it with the security concerns in the country.

Furthermore, Muslim groups and leaders strongly condemn the decision of Lankan President that directly targeting Muslim women. It is the stupid thing to do and a few days before the Muslim community took a discretionary decision about this. The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulema asked the Muslim women not to cover their faces with face veils for the sake of security reasons.

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Vice President of the Muslim Council in Sri Lanka, Hilmy Ahmed stated that if they still desire to wear a veil, then they told not to come out from their houses. Ahmed conveyed that they see it as a reflection of the clash between the prime minister and the president. They strongly condemn the decision, and they will not agree that the authorities are interfering with their religion without consulting with religious leadership.

Many countries in the world permanently forbidden full-face covering in the public places including the Denmark, France, and Belgium. Moreover, Gabon Chad and the Republic of Congo also have restrictions about it in their territory.

Current Condition on the Sri Lankan Land

From about last one-week several troops of Sri Lanka giving their duties to guard the churches and mosques to tackle any other miss-happening. As a precaution, the Sunday church services canceled all over the country. However, a large number of worshippers gathered outside St Anthony’s Shrine in the capital to pray for the victims. It is the shrine that damaged severely during the terror attacks.

Arrested People in Connection with deadly Attacks

A large number of suspects detained linked with the bloodshed that rose the causalities up to 150. Authorities and the security forces also captured about 140 followers of the Islamic state of the Jihadist group that accepted they were behind the bombings and the attacks. But the group never gives the firm evidence of their direct involvement. Security forces also raided a safe house on Friday which was in the use of the Islamic group NTJ and authorities believed that this group was behind the attacks. Zahran Hashim founded the group and supposed as the main organizer of the violence, and he blew himself at a hotel during these attacks in Colombo.


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