The United States President Donald Trump and Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden faced off tonight during the final 2020 presidential debate. Both of the candidates discussed the COVID-19 pandemic, immigration, foreign interference in the United States elections, and more.
Who won the final debate? Here’s what undecided voters thought
A panel of undecided voters speak to CNN’s Gary Tuchman after the final 2020 presidential election debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) October 23, 2020
Donald Trump and Joe Biden made their final arguments in front of voters at their final presidential debate, Tennessee, understanding Nashville, with less than two weeks until the general election. The final debate was a much more arranged affair than the first time the two contestants met in September, with comparatively some pauses and stricter controls on speaking time. The ninety-minute debate featured fifteen-minute segments touching coronavirus, the economy, foreign policy, climatic change, race, and more.
Debate Overview
Trump defended his record on the COVID-19 pandemic while criticized Biden for failing to perform on different Democratic proposals during his term as vice president, warning that Democratic priorities would hamper the country’s economy. The president said that in case of the victory of Biden, the country might face depression. Trump also brought up recent reports about Biden’s son’s overseas business dealings while shielding his own foreign business ventures.
On the other side, Biden blasted Trump for his poor handling of the epidemic that killed over 222,000 American nationals. Further, he said that he had never been involved in the business deals of his son. He called Trump’s accusations, “malarkey.” He usually turned to address his followers at home throughout the night directly.
At one point, he said that a person responsible for that many innocent deaths should not remain as the country’s president. I will take care of this matter, and I will end this, and I will make sure we have a plan. Both the presidential candidates were well aware that the debate was their last opportunity to make their case before the general national audience, with just twelve days before Election Day.
The debate kicks off with exchanges over Coronavirus
Kristen Welker, the moderator, asked Trump about his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which killed over 222,000 American nationals. In response, Trump didn’t directly outline how he planned to deal with the upcoming wave of the crisis. The president said that they closed up the highest economy globally to fight his horrible disease that came from China. It is a worldwide pandemic. He argued that the death rate decreased with time. The federal government didn’t shut down the economy of the country but states independently decided whether to impose restrictions.
President Trump says in an answer about coronavirus, “We’re learning to live with it.”
Biden replies, “People are learning to die with it.” #Debates2020
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 23, 2020
Candidates go head-to-head over mitigation measures
Trump and Biden fought over the suitable protocols that schools and businesses need to put in place to fight the spread of the COVID-19, with Trump arguing that the cure can’t worse than the problem itself. The president said that they need to open up. And his administration understands the disease.
According to Trump, measures such as installing Plexiglas are expensive to private businesses and are not the answer. However, Biden said the nation should able to walk and chew gum at the same time. To continue fighting the virus, the Democratic Presidential nominee said the country needs instant testing and contact tracing, and to certify businesses allow for social distancing guidelines and install dividers.
Any foreign power which interferes in the election “will pay the price” – Biden
Welker asked Biden in pivoting to the security of election about he would respond to foreign interference in elections in the United States after the officials of intelligence announced on Wednesday that Iran and Russia were trying to meddle in the election. Biden adds that any nation, no matter who it is, interfering in the U.S. election will pay the price.
Biden says any foreign power who interferes in election “will pay a price” #Debates2020
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 23, 2020
Furthermore, Biden says that foreign countries such as Russia didn’t want him to elected because they knew he would be difficult for them. The president argues that there is nobody tougher on Russia than him. Besides, he discussed reports that Biden received money from foreign firms, which Biden denied. Biden explained that he didn’t take a single penny from any foreign source in his whole life.
On the other side, Biden highlights some reports that Trump has a bank account in China. Release your tax returns or do not talk on corruption, Biden adds. At the same time, Trump denies releasing his tax returns because he is under audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Source: Web
Biden and Trump spar over climate change
On the question about climate change, Trump says that he wants crystal clean water and the cleanest air. He didn’t mention that his administration rolled back many environmental regulations like the Clean Water Act. Biden responds that climate change is a serious matter. Global warming, climate warming, and climate change are a real threat to humanity. He added that his plan, which key labor and environmental groups endorsed, would deliver millions of new good-paying jobs for Americans. Biden also emphasized the importance of developing wind and solar energy.
Trump and Biden spar over their plans for climate change and renewable energy – specifically, wind #Debates2020
— Reuters (@Reuters) October 23, 2020
Read Also: Joe Biden took lead in post-convention polling