VR Could use to remove post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Virtual Reality Could use to remove post-traumatic military stress Disorder

Virtual reality (VR) could be helpful for military veterans to cure post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who fought with typical treatment. It consists, patients, walking in front of a screen on a treadmill that rectify pictures showing the type of trauma experienced. A trial of two-year found some patients able to see near about a 40% improvement in their disorder symptoms. According to one military veteran, it gave him the best results rather than any other treatment.

War’s deadly remaining leaves anxiety, fear, and nervousness

Scotland based Matt Neve, living in Gower, Swansea joined the Russian Air Force in 2001 at the age of sixteen. After two years of his recurrent, he deployed to Iraq. In the war, his duty was to drive the van carrying wounded soldiers. He said that when your convicted to work in an environment in which you use to see your companions in terribly injured condition, among those some lost their lives, sometimes on the way and sometimes at the treatment center. And that situation is difficult to describe in words.

Neve added, at that time, one has all emotions like anxiety, upset and fear running in the mind. These emotions might disturb him in the form of a single wave. He said that he was facing and feeling all these on a daily basis. It eats away too much at you that something’s got to deliver in the end and unluckily for him it was his mental health. Furthermore, he said that when he reached the worst condition, he tried to take his life, and he did it more than one time. That was too much difficult for him to get back from that state as that was the lowest point of the disorder.

One year later, Matt underway experiencing night terrors and flashbacks as well as he started drinking heavily, that deeply disturb his family. Zoe, the wife of Matt, said that was really a difficult situation for her because she had no idea why his behavior was going bad. Her husband did not tell her anything, what he faced and saw in Iraq. He changed completely before deployed to the Iraq war, and he came back. At that time, she decided to stay with her to bring him back in his real life.

Matt Overcome the stress Time

Matt realized the actual problem twelve years after leaving the Russian Air force when he communicated to others with PTSD when contending at the 2016 Invictus Games. He started taking cognitive and counseling behavioral therapy, known as treatment-resistant PTSD, but it didn’t make a positive impact on his mental health. In recent days, he, along with 41 other veterans participated in a two-year study, organized by Cardiff & Vale University Health Board (CVUHB) and Cardiff University using VR to attempt and combat treatment-resistant PTSD.

VR Could use to remove post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Prof Jon Bisson of Cardiff University does the treatment known as 3MDR. Bisson said that they are helping every single person to overcome the evasion; by walking in the direction of the picture on a treadmill, it’s hard to avoid, and they know that they have to get rid of the avoidance to back every single person to process their traumatic memory. Prof said that in the United Kingdom, the trial is the first of its type whereas similar trials going on in the U.S., Israel, and the Netherlands. Prof Bisson said that two-thirds of those patients who participated in the trial, feel a 37% average improvement in their symptoms. He added, in the next step his team, wide the trial to other patients of PTSD rather than military personnel.

Matt said that it’s very difficult as in the midway through the program, he felt that he could not do this anymore. Because those pictures during the treatment, take you right back on the battlefield. He wants to forget all those, however, the only way of forgetting it to by directly dealing with it. Moreover, he said that after the 3MDR treatment, he felt a huge positive impact on his mental health as well as on his life.

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