According to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ State-Level report published on Nov. 22, coronavirus cases in kids are increased 32 percent from two weeks before, an uptick that comes as the nation rushes to vaccinate kids ahead of the winter holidays.
For the week 11th to 18th November, there’re at nearly 142000 new infections among children, with kids making up an uneven share of the COVID cases, representing more than 25 percent of all new cases for the previous week. Children under 18-years make roughly 22% of the American population. However, in early 2020, children accounted for less than 3 percent of confirmed COVID cases. Since the pandemic started, over 6.8M kids have tested COVID-positive.
The Vice-Chair of the Academy’s infectious disease panel, Dr. Sean O’Leary, said Monday that there is cause for concern absolutely. What’s steering the rise in children is there is an increase in infections overall. Moreover, kids have accounted for a more significant percentage of overall COVID-19 cases since the jabs became extensively available to adults.
Even though children are less possible to suffer from a severe COVID illness than adults, they’re still at risk, and could also transmit SARS-CoV-2 to adults. And experts have cautioned that kids should be immunized to protect against probable long-COVID-19 symptoms, Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in children, and hospital admission.
If anyone is reading this thread and on the fence about vaccinating your 5-11s, please speak to your pediatrician, family medicine physician, or healthcare professional and strongly consider vaccinating your little ones.
— uché blackstock, md (@uche_blackstock) November 23, 2021
According to the U.S. CDC, at the end of last month, nearly 8300 US kids ages five to eleven were admitted to hospital due to COVID, and at least 172 lost their lives, out of over 3.2M hospitalizations and nearly 740000 fatalities overall.
Overall Coronavirus Infections on The Rise
COVID cases for every age bracket have been on the rise in the last week. They’d decreased rapidly after a summer surge but have started to increase again and have returned to levels last observed in August this year. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, that is something not unanticipated. Fauci told a chief political correspondent for CNN, Dana Bash, that they’ve a lot of deadly virus circulating around.
The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Fauci, said that with millions of unvaccinated people, that results in the dynamic of the novel coronavirus in the community that not only is risky and makes people who are uninoculated susceptible, but it also spills over into the inoculated ones because no jab is fully effective.
Moreover, according to the Johns Hopkins University data, in the United States, the daily COVID-19 infection rate is nearly 50 percent of what it was in November 2020. However, the current pace – almost 95000 new cases daily – is up nine percent from just a week before.
The American Academy of Pediatrics report said that the number of kids with COVID is still considered very high. That marks the fifteenth week in a row that child coronavirus cases are over 0.1M.

Source: Web
Furthermore, the Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that two-thirds of parents wish to wait and see or are refusing to inoculate their kids. However, jab experts Dr. Jeffrey Gerber and Dr. Paul Offit have been encouraging parents to get their kids immunized, arguing that without inoculation, almost all younger kids would get infected in an editorial published recent week in Science.
WHO Europe Cautions Region’s COVID-Related Deaths Could Touch 2.2 million by March
On Tuesday, the WHO Regional Office for Europe said the 53-nation area could see 0.7M COVID-related deaths again in the coming four months if immunization efforts aren’t enhanced. In a statement, WHO-Europe reports that the region saw about 4200 fatalities from coronavirus in the recent week, twofold the number of fatalities reported daily at the end of September 2021.
Moreover, the region has crossed 1.5M COVID fatalities for the pandemic, and data compiled for the World Health Organization European Region by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation displays the coronavirus disease is now the number-one death cause across Central Asia and Europe.
Read Also: Coronavirus Cases Rise in Europe for the Fifth Consecutive Week – WHO Report