The former President Barack Obama has targeted two hopefuls for the house president-ship from Republicans, South Carolina senator Tim Scott and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, for their point of view on race relations in the United States. Obama was the first black President of the United States elected in 2008. Recently he gave an interview on a podcast and said it was essential to deliver a hopeful message on race relations. Tim Scott is the only black candidate from the Republicans running for the 2024 American Presidency, and Haley is an Indian American.
Mr. Obama was asked about Scott’s messaging, and he replied that there was an inclination to cover up the impacts of racism. He added there is a need to address racial inequality, and candidates should take it seriously as it is the subject of American Unity. Obama said there was a long history of African American or other minority candidates in the Republican Party who would testify and say that everything was great and they could make it. Former President told the Democratic Strategist David Axelrod on the Axe Files hosted by CNN. Furthermore, he said he thought Nikki Haley had a homogeneous point of view.
Mr. Obama added that Nikki Haley’s approach does not include a plan to address and resolve the years-long devastating generational poverty, which is an outcome of hundreds of years of racism in the community. He said there was a need to take strong measures in this regard.

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Tim Scott Responded to Obama’s Comments
The former President said if the candidates do not confess and declare that truth again and again, then there have been worse conditions people have witnessed, from trying to get a job to owning a house and how the criminal justice system works.
Scott, a former insurance agent, pushed back against the notion that his success as a Black man is exceptional, stating that it represents progress. He acknowledged that racism is real and present. Tim Scott responded to Obama’s comments saying President had a soft and slow speed ball by conservative radio host Mark Levin, but the President missed it while having a big bat. On Thursday, Scott shared a message on Twitter emphasizing the importance of recognizing America as a land of opportunity rather than oppression. He criticized Democrats for hindering progress to maintain their power and stated that the left propagates the idea that America’s faith and progress are fraud and non-existent.
Furthermore, Scott spoke about the truth of his life and how it disproves the lies of the radical left. He emphasized that in our country, black children can aspire to be President, as we have already had one, and the good news is, we will have another. Nikki Haley also took issue with Barack Obama’s position. She added the former President victimized the minorities by singling them out instead of empowering them.
According to Haley, as reported by a news agency, hard work, and personal responsibility are important in America. Her parents taught her that she was responsible for her success and not to view herself as a perpetual victim.