Nail-biter Trump-Biden 2020 race in key states

Nail-biter Trump-Biden 2020 Presidential race in Key States

The outcome of the United States presidential election is on the narrow edge, as Trump thus far performing much better than the pollsters’ predictions. Both Donald Trump and his Democratic opponent Joe Biden are running side by side in a number of key states. Trump likely to held the must-win state of Florida – a key boost to his re-election bid.

However, the former Vice President could snatch Arizona, a once constantly conservative state. The election caps a long and bitter contest. Other key states like Wisconsin, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are toss-ups. The final election results might not come for some days as postal votes tallied with the country on edge.

More than a hundred million people cast their votes in early voting before the election day on Tuesday, resulting in the United States on course for its highest turnout in a century. The Control of Congress is also a stake for the country. Moreover, the Republicans of the White House are facing difficulties to hang on to a Senate majority.

Trump’s Republican party lost a Senate seat in Colorado but won one in Alabama. The Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, the Trump ally, both re-elected from their seats. Therefore, the House of Representatives is likely to stay in Democratic hands.

U.S. National exit poll: Issues

Which one of these five issues mattered majorly in deciding how you voted for president?

Nail-biter Trump-Biden 2020 Presidential race in Key States
Sample size: 2413 respondents. All statistics have a margin of error
Source: Edison Research/NEP via Reuters, 17.00 EST (22.00 GMT)

What are the Presidential Results up to now?

Partial results revealed Biden’s solid lead in Arizona. Previously, Fox News forecasted the Biden win in that state. However, the president campaign stated that it was too early to declare any winner in Arizona. A big loss for Trump in that once reliably Republican state will be a possibly serious setback.

On the other side, Texas, another key state, is leaning the way of Trump, according to the projection of CBS News. Whereas Fox News has forecast that Trump will win the Lone Star state. The battlefields in the Rust Belt of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan look as though they might go either way.

Pennsylvania, as well as Florida, considered a must-win state for Trump if he holds off defeat. Cliffhanger counts are also in progress in two other key states on the East Coast, North Carolina, and Georgia. Nor surprises emerged yet in other states of the country.

Which are the main battleground states?

Each state has a number of electoral college vote up for grabs – at least 270 required to win the election.

Nail-biter Trump-Biden 2020 race in key states
main battleground states

According to the BBC’s projection, Donald Trump will keep hold of Missouri and Ohio because they have usually forecast as the eventual winner. In addition, BBC forecasts Trump will win Iowa, Idaho, South Carolina, Alabama, Kansas, Utah, Indiana, Florida, Wyoming, Nebraska, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oklahoma.

On the other hand, Biden will retain his home state of Delaware, together with Virginia, California, Colorado, Oregon, Illinois, New Mexico, Vermont, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Washington, New Hampshire, Washington DC, Massachusetts, according to the projections of BBC.

CBS forecasts Montana is leaning the way of Trump, while Nevada, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Minnesota, and Maine were trending towards the former vice president. Trump closely lost Minnesota in 2016 and his campaign to snatch back this time. Voting ended on the United States West Coast at 23:00 EST on Wednesday.

Read Also: Final presidential debate 2020 between Trump & Biden


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