The United States Air Force is now flying Global Hawk spy and B-1B bombers over the South China Sea and other regions within the Pacific theater as part of a comprehensive strategy to continue surveillance and per-emption missions in the area, following the intensified stress between the United States and Chinese. According to a report of the U.S. Air Force, they are explicitly steering spying missions over the South China Sea as the B-1Bs are flying out of Guam in support of Indo-Pacific Command.
“The Air Force is now flying B-1B bombers and Global Hawk spy drones over the South China Sea and other areas within the Pacific theater as part of a broader strategy to sustain surveillance and deterrence missions in the region.”
— Ankit Panda (@nktpnd) June 10, 2020
At the same point, the U.S. Air Force is revolving its Global Hawk drones to Yokota Air Base of Japan, a move that further bolsters an operational presence of the United States in the region. These types of missions are potentially taking on a new urgency in lights of reports that China is directing two-carrier exercises in the South China Sea, something making Taiwan progressively nervous about a possible Chinese invasion.
The Global Hawk surveillance drones
The surveillance drones of the Global Hawk in tandem with their naval partners of Navy Triton increasingly planned with advanced algorithms bringing the latest levels of autonomy. Pre-programming aims of the mission in which a jet can make adjustments autonomously to evolving circumstances and rapidly process huge volumes of information at one point, allows the United States Commanders to extend and improve the scope of mission in the region and probably overcome the much-discussed tyranny of distance characterizing the massive, geologically expansive pacific theater.
Distributed Autonomy Responsive Control (DARC), the technical program, that planned for greater flying autonomy. It enables unmanned systems better to form mesh networks over ground and air nodes to execute an excessive range of functions without requiring to have each minor move coordinated by a ground-based man decision-maker. The Northrop-made now under development DARC system seeks out to allocate bigger measures of autonomy in the jet itself. Vice president of Northrop (an American global aerospace and defense tech company), Scott Winship told warrior in an interview that rather than flying it, you tell it what effect you want in the region.

For instance, a Global hawk might draw upon onboard processing speed to collect, establish and analyze huge volumes of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) information, for example, video feeds, find out the significance of particular information and conduct modernized data to man decision-makers. Improved networked aerial surveillance resources can offer an additional way to deal with the geographical challenges offered by the Pacific, by allowing drones to exchange statistics of major relevance across otherwise dissimilar areas of operation.
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