Before hundred days remaining until general Election Day, voters in three key states swing in presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden’s way, according to new Arizona, Michigan, and Florida CNN polls conducted by SSRS. In Florida – fifty-one percent Biden to forty-six percent Trump and Arizona – forty-nine percent Biden to forty-five percent Trump, eligible voters break in favor of Biden by single-digit margins. Whereas, in Michigan, the lead of Biden stands at fifty-two percent to forty percent, matching the countrywide average for the presidential contest per the current Poll of Polls.
With 100 days until the election, President Trump trails in CNN polls of Arizona, Florida and Michigan — battleground states he won in 2016
— CNN (@CNN) July 26, 2020
President Trump won all these three states in 2016, with his slightest win in any state coming from Michigan, which he took by just 10,704 votes. The poll results are among eligible voters, but when seeing those who say they are most likely to vote in 2020 fall’s election, support for the two contestants remains about the same. Almost all recent high-quality polling out of Michigan and Florida showed Biden with an edge there. Whereas, Arizona seen a mix of Biden leads and results within each margin of error of the poll.
Biden with a double-digit lead in Florida
The recent CNN poll in Arizona reveals Biden only just outside the error margin of the poll. Late last week, the poll of Quinnipiac University in Florida showed Biden with a double-digit lead, greater than several other surveys found. However, it is worth noticing that current Florida polls are fairly steady about the former vice president’s level of support in the state (Quinnipiac nailed it at fifty-one percent, same as the recent CNN poll.
Whereas CBS News landed at forty-eight percent, and Fox News placed it forty-nine percent), with more significant variation in support for Trump (forty-six percent in the new CNN poll, forty-two percent in CBS News, forty percent in Fox News and thirty-eight percent in the Quinnipiac poll).
Three states’ approval ratings based on handling Coronavirus pandemic and racial inequality
Across these three states, the approval ratings of Trump usually, for handling the COVID-19 pandemic and handling racial inequality in the United States, are underwater. There is a little bit variation in the overall approval rating of Trump, with disapproval at fifty-seven percent in Michigan, fifty-four percent in Arizona, and fifty-one percent in Florida.
New @CNN polls this morning:
51% Biden
46% TrumpArizona:
49% Biden
45% TrumpMichigan:
52% Biden
40% Trump— Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) July 26, 2020
However, on COVID-19 and racial inequality, two problems that conquered the national conversation during the last few months, the disapproval of the president stands around sixty percent across all these three states.
On the COVID-19 pandemic, sixty percent rejected in Arizona, fifty-nine percent in Michigan, and fifty-seven percent in Florida. On racial discrimination in the United States, fifty-nine percent disapprove of Michigan and Arizona, and fifty-seven percent do so in Florida.
The results suggest Trump might be on better ground in all these three states should the focus of the country shift to the economy: In Florida and Arizona, majorities rate Trump positively for his handling of the country’s economy (fifty-two percent approve in each state). Michiganders are almost evenly divided (forty-seven percent approve to forty-nine percent disapprove).

Source: Web
Worst of the coronavirus pandemic is still to come
However, there is slight to suggest such a shift is in the instant future. In Florida and Arizona, both states where COVID-19 infections spread too rapidly in recent weeks, majorities (sixty-four percent in Florida, fifty-seven percent in Arizona) believe the worst of the pandemic is yet to come. In both these states, over seven to ten voters who say the worst is ahead back Biden for president. Whereas, in Michigan, a thin majority says the worst is behind them (fifty-one percent).
Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic Governor of Michigan, who publicly clashed with the president over her response to the coronavirus outbreak, earns high marks from citizens of her state her handing of the pandemic, with sixty-nine percent saying they feel she is making every possible effort what she can to fight it.
Read Also: Joe Biden Makes hattrick by sweeping in Florida, Arizona, and Illinois